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Name: Saee Sawant
City: Pune
Height: 5 Foot 4 inch

About:   Hello. My name is Saee Madhukar Sawant . I am 21 years old . I recently graduated from mumbai university and now I am interested in studying LLB . I\'ve always had a specific interest in the world of art since I was child . In addition to my education, I have been interested in dance and drama. I\'ve been studying kathak dance for the past ten years and am now preparing for the kathak visharad exam. Despite being from a small town like dapoli, I have won dance and acting competitions. At Mumbai  University\'s Youth festival, I won an award for  classical dancing and in acting. I am winner of the 2023 Miss Dapoli Princess .These are the highlights of my success, and they would not be possible without the support of my parents. My ambition is to prominence the realm of art. I feel that MT shravan queen is the only platform that can help me to grow and prove myself, as well as achieve my and my family\'s dream of seeing me in this glamorous world and on the big screen. So I don\'t want to miss this opportunity. Thank you!